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Antonin Bavoil

PhD Student in applied mathematics

Office B221 - Borel building
Inria Center at Université Côte d'Azur
2004 Route des Lucioles, 06902 Valbonne, France


Université Côte d'Azur



Research Interests

Modelling, Simulation and Optimization

Algorithms and Numerical Methods


Julia with Automatic Differentiation

Numerical Methods

Machine Learning

Native French speaker, fluent English

Work Experience

2023 – Present

PhD Student at CNRS

Modelling and optimal control of a kite sail for wind energy harvesting. Usage of Julia and its automatic differentiation capabilities for efficient simulation. In collaboration with mechanical engineers from ENSTA Bretagne. Based at INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis.

2023 – Present

Teaching Assistand at Polytech Nice Sophia (Engineering School)

Teaching assistant for the courses "Numerical Methods" and "Statistics with R" for third year engineering students.

2021 – 2022

Apprenticeship at THALES Alenia Space

During my last year of engineering studies, I worked part time at THALES Alenia Space where I implemented a state-of-the-art multi-frame super-resolution algorithm for satellite imagery.


2019 – 2022

Polytech Nice Sophia

Engineering Diploma in Applied Mathematics and Modelling.

3rd year specialization in Numerical Engineering: numerical methods for PDEs, optimal control, scientific machine learning, parallel computing...

Apprenticeship at THALES Alenia Space


Université Côte d'Azur

Master in Mathematical Engineering. Ranked 4/53.

2017 – 2019

Polytech Marseille

Prépa intégrée, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and computer science. Ranked 4/1604.


Scientific Baccalaureat

Specialized in mathematics. Pierre-Gilles de Gennes high school, Digne-les-Bains.


16 – 20 Oct. 2023

GdR MOA Days 2024

Journée annuelles du Groupe de Recherche : Mathématiques de l'Optimisation et Applications.

Perpignan, France.

5 – 6 Feb. 2024

Complex Days 2024

Poster: Kite Electrical Energy Production.

Nice, France.

25 – 29 Mar. 2024

SMAI MODE Days 2024

Journée de la Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles : Mathématiques de l’Optimisation et de la DEcision.

Poster: Same As Above

Lyon, France.

18 – 21 Jun. 2024

French-German-Spanish Conference on Optimization 2024

30 min talk: Wind Energy Harvesting with a Kite (pdf/pptx).

Gijón, Spain.


Coming soon...